Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rose and the Clothes~

Humans are strange Giant Kitties.... theys are always cleaning these weird cloth things and then they do not knows how to deal with them.
So, good kitty I's am...  
I's helping and showing Giant Lady how to do this correctly.

Here's,,, likes this...

I's just taking this away from you, yous not doing it rights...


Hannah and Lucy said...

Thank goodness you are there to inform your lady that she is not looking after her furs properly and insist she cleans them several times a day.
Luv Hannah and Lucy x xx

Summer at said...

Humans! They can't even take care of their own things properly.

The Island Cats said...

Your good at that, Rose.

Vanessa Morgan said...

Merry Christmas, Rose <3

Shari said...

Yous have the same problems Hannah and Lucy and Summer?! Lots of works to make sures our humans stay clean. Much easier if they had soft furs like us!
Thanks you IC.
Merry Xmas to you too Vanessa!

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