Thursday, February 4, 2021

Rose, Mina and the Snow

Mina, her first snow and the manners adjustment of a rowdy teenager who did not want to share, by Rose. LOL 

 No kittens were hurt in the making of these photos except her pride.

Rose says, Stay over there Teenager ....

Mina says, this is mine I am not going to share, go away...

I have asked you nicely whippersnapper... 
Mina was going to pounce Rose.

LOL Rose was being sooo patient with her.

Giant Lady, Rose was mean to me..... Mina I have no sympathy, you were being a twit. LOL



Brian's Home Blog said...

That was some snow battle, was it cold?

Summer said...

All that over... snow?! MOL!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

First encounters with snow can be weerd! Laz had his fist couple days ago. He had SEEN it before at his 2 previous homes (we assume) but had never been out in it.

He was NOT thrilled! He kept shaking is paws when walking on it. And when a paw finally sank in, he was done with it. We (Marley and Ayla) were WAITING for that. MOL!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

First encounters with snow can be weerd! Laz had his fist couple days ago. He had SEEN it before at his 2 previous homes (we assume) but had never been out in it.

He was NOT thrilled! He kept shaking is paws when walking on it. And when a paw finally sank in, he was done with it. We (Marley and Ayla) were WAITING for that. MOL!

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